Geo-Cosmos hangs 60 feet above the floor at Tokyo's National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation
Mitsubishi Electric will unveil a huge, 19.7 foot (6 m) wide OLED globe at Tokyo's National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation on June 11. Billed as the world's first large-scale spherical OLED screen, "Geo-Cosmos" is made up of an aluminum frame covered with 10,362 tiny OLED panels, each measuring 3.7 x 3.7 inches. The sphere will display images of clouds and other views of the Earth coming from a meteorological satellite as it hangs almost 60 feet (18 m) above the museum floor.
The OLED display is actually a replacement for an LED version and Mitsubishi says the new sphere is 10 times better than its predecessor in terms of its 10 million pixel resolution.
To create it, Mitsubishi used its modular Diamond Vision OLED system which was first introduced at CEATEC 2009 in the form of a 155-inch sized OLED display. At the time the company then said that any size screen can be achieved with the use of the technology.
Mitsubish previously showcased an impressive cylinder-shaped OLED display during Integrated Systems Europe fair in February, 2011. Neither of the displays is aimed at retail market yet, but Mitsubishi is offering its OLED technology to large-scale clients for digital signage and public spaces.
The initiative is a part of the museum's 10th anniversary commemorations.
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