Sequoia Technology announces the new micro sized Telit Jupiter SE880 GPS module to the world and the amazing possibilities that such a compact module brings to so many applications.
Sequoia Technology is based in Reading UK and is well known as the leading wireless product supplier from GPRS, GPS, Zigbee, 802.15.4 modules, to custom software to run the products.
Sequoia Technology is proud to unveil the smallest GPS-module in the world - the Telit Jupiter SE880. The SE880's size makes incredibly compact GPS solutions possible. Furthermore, an improved Time to First Fix (TTFF) and unrivalled sensitivity, brings indoor location fix to reality.
The unique size of the Telit Jupiter SE880 makes it the ideal platform for high-volume GNSS ultra-compact mobile/tracking devices as well as advanced consumer devices (sports watches, cameras, mobile phones, pedometer etc).
Think of all the possible solutions now that GPS has been brought down to the size of a finger nail. What’s more The Jupiter SE880’s advanced 3D technology allows best-in-class sensitivity also when coupled with passive antennas and guarantees better performance’s stability in the operating temperature range compared to conventional PCB technology.
To find out more about the Telit Jupiter SE880 visit the Sequoia website
Organisation Profile:
Sequoia has been involved in electronics technology since 1986. Always at the cutting edge of components and design helping customers design in components and subsystems to their end equipment.