ABOUT THE SCHOOL: Prospero Teaching is looking for a Religious Studies teacher for an Ofsted Outstanding Secondary school in Hertfordshire starting ASAP! This is a secondary school and sixth form delivering an inclusive, structured curriculum and create a positive and respectful teaching and learning environment. The RE teacher job starts in January 2024 and the ideal Religious Studies teacher would be an enthusiastic, committed, and a creative Religious Studies teacher within their very successful creative Religious Studies Department. Religious Studie Job: The position is open to both RE teacher NQTs and experienced RE teachers, they are seeking someone who is able to deliver key stage 3 and 4.
Religious Studies TEACHER CONTRACT DETAILS · Location : Hertfordshire, London · Position : Religious Studies Teacher · Contract or position start date : ASAP · Duration / Likely Duration : until end of the academic year (July 2025) · Contract type (temp/perm/temp to perm) - Temporary or temp to perm · Full time/part time : Full time · Minimum rate of pay: Minimum rate GBP177 per day - GBP242 per day · Hours - 8:30 am - 3:30pm, plus parents evenings
RE TEACHER EXPERIENCE, TRAINING AND QUALIFICATIONS: · QTS or equivalent (Unqualified teacher with experience or Overseas Trained Teacher) · PGCE / RE / Sports related degree - RE related degree TO BE ELIGIBLE FOR THIS RE TEACHER JOB THROUGH PROSPERO TEACHING, YOU MUST: · Hold Right to Work in the UK · Hold an enhanced child barred list DBS certificate registered with the online update service or be willing to process a new application · Provide two professional children related references PROSPERO TEACHING CAN OFFER THE SUCCESSFUL RE TEACHER: Free, accredited continued professional development courses including safeguarding and behaviour management
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